如何將帖子從 Wordpress 導入 Wagtail 2(Draftail 編輯器),包括圖像? (How to import posts from Wordpress to Wagtail 2 (Draftail editor) including images?)


如何將帖子從 Wordpress 導入 Wagtail 2(Draftail 編輯器),包括圖像? (How to import posts from Wordpress to Wagtail 2 (Draftail editor) including images?)

我正在嘗試將帖子從 Wordpress 導入 Wagtail,包括圖像。

我意識到 Draftail 編輯器使用專用標籤保存圖像這一事實,例如:

<embed alt="fonctionnement‑pim‑schema‑640.png" embedtype="image" format="fullwidth" id="412" />

當我從 Wordpress 導入我的帖子時,我將 img 標籤轉換為嵌入標籤。下面是我的代碼片段:

resp = requests.get(img["src"], stream=True)
if resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
    print("Unable to import " + img["src"])
fp = BytesIO()
image = Image(title=file_name, width=width, height=height)
image.file.save(file_name, File(fp))
    embed_id = image.get_rendition("original").id
    embed_alt = image.get_rendition("original").alt
    new_tag = soup.new_tag('embed', alt=f'{embed_alt}', embedtype="image", format="fullwidth", id=f'{embed_id}')

它似乎有效。當我檢查數據庫時,所有 img 標記都被替換為格式正確的嵌入標記,並且所有圖像都被下載到媒體文件夾中。




<h4>方法 1:</h4> <p>I found what was causing the issue.</p>
<p>I was using a rendition image to fetch the id:</p>
<pre><code>embed_id = image.get_rendition("original").id
<p>But rendition is for templates. In Draftail, we need to use the Image object id and not a rendition image id:</p>
<pre><code>embed_id = image.id
<p>For <code>alt</code> text, it's your call to choose something from your initial content.</p><p>(by <a href=RedjamRedjam)


  1. How to import posts from Wordpress to Wagtail 2 (Draftail editor) including images? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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